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There are some very primitive camp sites near the trailhead. This is not the best campsite if all you are wanting to do is camp. The purpose of this campsite would be to allow you to spend some great time at Wier Creek Hot Springs. Privacy is basically null because of the soakers.
Reviews for
Weir Creek Hot Springs Idaho
Hiking & Backpacking
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The hike to Weir Creek Hot Springs is about a mile round trip. It is a moderate hike with a great reward. You may want a hiking pole for a few steep areas. The pool is located after the last campsite and down an incline.
Hiking & Backpacking
Reviews for
Weir Creek Hot Springs Idaho
Hot Springs
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Weir Creek hot springs temperature ranges from 100-110 degree F. This area is VERY heavily used by college students and can be quite the party location.
The main soaking area itself allows up to 10 soakers at a time. There is a smaller creek side soaking area with warm water.
Hot Springs
Reviews for
Weir Creek Hot Springs Idaho