Hiking & Backpacking
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This isn't really a "hike" per se, but you do have to do about 5 minutes worth of hiking to get to the climb.
1) Find your way to Michigan's Upper Penninsula. 2) Find your way to the intersection of 41 and 28 (this is just south of downtown Marquette). 3) Go south on 28 for 2-3 miles. 4) There will be a street named "Hampton". You can actually take many of the crosstreets West, but this is the one I used. Take Hampton (or any close street) West, and you'll find County Road 553 (CR553), probably within .5 mile. 5) Take CR553 South-ish for a few miles. Soon you'll pass a ski hill on the left. This is Marquette Mountain Ski Hill. We'll be heading to the back of the hill where the cliffs are. 6) Drive past the ski hill, keep going on CR553. 7) The road will curve to the left. Follow it. The landmarks we're looking for (both on the left) are a weird-looking house with a dome-like roof, and a large radio tower sticking out of the forest. Depending on season, the house may be hidden, but the radio tower will be visible. 8) Just past the radio tower, on the left, there will be a small dirt road leading uphill. Take this, and you'll be at the radio tower maintenance parking lot. Park here. 9) Get out of the car and continue past the parking lot. There is a trail leading to the cliff that branches off to the left. Take this trail for about a 5 minute walk, and you'll see the base of the cliff.
Rock / Ice Climbing
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Cliff is about 80 feet tall, and has at least 10-15 routes. Difficulty ranges from 5.6ish to 5.10ish. Primary use is toproping. There are some good overhangs here and there, a small crack route on the left. Harder climbs are to the right. Doing trad might be possible, but I'm not experienced in trad, so I can't say for sure. Bouldering is possible all over this cliffside, but I was told better bouldering is on the right side routes. You can get to the top of the cliff by walking around to the left (as you're facing the cliff). A path leads up to the top. I was told that anchor setup is easy. Plenty of solid anchors (mostly trees). However, 1) Some of the routes (10-15%) may require you set pro for anchors, and 2) bring plenty of entra webbing, as the anchors are far back from the cliff edge (I was told to bring 50' feet or so of webbing).