Caving / Spelunking
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This is unlike most caves in the area. It's not a lava tube but a fissure. A crack that opened when the lava cooled. The entrance is closest to the corner. For the most part there are arrows pointing which way to go. TELL SOMEONE WHERE YOU ARE GOING. The entrances and exits in some rooms took us a long time to find so be prepared for a couple of hours underground. Just before the cave decends to the bottom of the lava flow there is a good 20 ft vertical drop. After the bottom the caverns slowly begin th regain altitude, eventually leading to the exit, abut 100 yards north of the entrance. I weigh about 180 and a few spots are tight so be warned. Take extra water and light in case of an emergency.
Caving / Spelunking
Reviews for
Smith's Crack Idaho